EU Enlargement and Acquis Adoption Burden: Albanian challenges

EU Enlargement And Acquis Adoption Burden:
Albanian Challenges EEAABAC




Objectives of the Course

The aim of the course is to offer to the students an introduction to European Law. The framework of the course guides students through the core elements of the European law, starting with the foundation of the European law and continuing with its enforcement. This is fully supported by engaging case studies through the course which place the law in the context, helping students to understand the difficulties of the subject and explore practical implications of EU law.

Course Syllabus

  • European law creation
    • Union institutions
    • Union legislation
    • Union competences
    • Fundamental rights
  • European law enforcement
    • Direct effect
    • (Legal) supremacy
    • National actions
    • European actions
  • European law substance
    • Internal market: goods
    • Internal market: persons
  • The Stabilisation and Association Agreement between Albania and the European Union

Obligatory Course Materials

Bushati Aida & Lazowski Adam “Bazat e së Drejtës Evropiane” latest edition.



Objectives of the Course

The objective of the course is to offer to the students an analytic and detailed knowledge on EU internal market from the creation and the freedoms within it. The course is designed for master students who have already some basic knowledge on the EU institutional and constitutional structure. The framework of the course intends to increase knowledge of the students with regard to the four freedoms primarily in respect of the rules that regulate movement within the Member States of the EU. Additionally, to a lesser extent, knowledge will be provided also with regard to the rules that regulate movement outside the EU. In particular, an understanding of the principles which underpin the four freedoms can be used as a guide to students wishing to explore more closely particular areas of EU substantive law.

Course Syllabus

  • Introduction to the issues
  • Free movement of goods
    • Fiscal measures: custom duties and internal taxation
    • Non-fiscal measures: quantitative restrictions and measures having the equivalent effect
    • Article 34 TFEU and certain celling agreements.
    • Derogations and justifications
  • Free movement of persons and services
    • Free movement of persons: key principles
    • Free movement of workers and self-employed
    • Freedom for the individuals to provide and receive services
    • Union citizenship
    • Legally resident third country nationals and the EU
  • Free movement of capital
    • Free movement of capital and economic and monetary union
  • Completing the single market
    • Regulating the internal market

Obligatory Course Materials

Barnard (eds) The Substantive law of the EU: The Four Freedoms, latest edition.



Objectives of the Course

The aim of the course is to provide students with an in-depth analysis of European transport legislation, which is one of the sectors most affected by EU legislation. The course aim to offers lectures and comments on practical cases, which will increase students’ competences for a clearer and better understanding of EU principles and specific legislation, policy decisions and guidelines of EU institutions in the field of transport. At the end of the course, students will be able to give a critical reading on EU legislation and decisions made in a regulated sector such as transport and how this affects the internal Albanian legislation, beyond the commitments that Albania has made by signing of international conventions in transport law.

Course Syllabus

  • Introduction to the issues. Notion of transport and EU legislation
  • Transport by air
    • Air services in EU and Regulation 1008/2008
    • International relations of EU regarding aviation.
    • Competition and state aid in transport
  • EU transport policy
    • Transport policy and TEN-T in EU
    • Security and safety
    • Passengers rights in EU
    • Public transport in EU countries
  • Railways and EU legislative framework
  • Institutions in EU relevant for transport sector
  • Albania and EU integration in the transport sector

Obligatory Course Materials

M. Colangelo, V. Zeno-Zenovich, Introduction to european union transport law, Third edition, Roma tre press, 2019.