EU Enlargement and Acquis Adoption Burden: Albanian challenges

Textbooks & Monographics

Jacque, J.P. , E drejta institucionale e Bashkimit Europian, Papirus, 2010

Bushati, A.,  Lazowski, A., Bazat e se Drejtes Evropiane, Dudaj,  2014

Adam, R., Tizzano, A., Lineamenti di diritto dell’Unione Europea, Giappichelli, 2020

Tesauro, G., Manuale di diritto dell’Unione Europea, Editoriale Scientifica, 2020

Daniele, L., Diritto del Mercato Unico Europeo e dello spazio di liberta, sicurezza e giustizia, Giuffre, V edizione, 2021

Craig, P., De Burca,  G., EU Law: Text, cases, and materials, Oxford University Press, 7th edition, 2020

Craig, P., De Burca,  G., The Evolution of EU Law, Oxford University Press, 3rd edition, 2021

Chalmers, D., Davies, G., Monti, G., European Union Law. Text and materials, Cambridge, 4th ed., 2019

Gormley, L.W., EU Law of Free Movement of Goods and Customs Union, Oxford UP, 2010

Schutze, R., Tridimas, T. (eds.), Oxford Principles of European Union Law: Volume 1: The European Union Legal Order, Oxford UP, 2015

Schutze, R., European Union law, 3rd edition, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2021

Adams, M., Waele, H., Meeusen,  J., Straetmans, G., “Të gjykosh gjyqtarët e Evropës. Legjitimiteti i praktikës gjyqësore të Gjykatës Evropiane të Drejtësisë.”, Përshtatur nga Shkolla e Magjistraturës, Albrahimi, Berberi, Gentgrafik, Tiranë, 2017 /Origjinali: “Judging Europe’s judges”, Publikimet Hart, viti 2013

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Chalmers D, Davies GT and Monti G, European Union Law: Text and Materials (Third edition, Cambridge University Press 2014)

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Articles in journals

Craig P, ‘The European Union Act 2011: Locks, Limits and Legality’ (2011) 48 Common Market law review 1915

Gragl P, ‘A Giant Leap for European Human Rights? The Final Agreement on the European Union’s Accession to the European Convention on Human Rights’ (2014) 51 Common Market Law Review 13

Hancox E, ‘The Meaning of “Implementing” EU Law under Article 51(1) of the Charter: Akerberg Fransson’ (2013) 50 Common Market Law Review 1411

Payandeh M, ‘Constitutional Review of EU Law after Honeywell: Contextualizing the Relationship Between the German Constitutional Court and the EU Court of Justice’ (2011) 48 Common Market Law Review

Mathusen G., Consistency and coherence as conditions for justification of Member State measures restricting free movement, Com. Market Law Rev. 2010, p. 1021.

Mostr M., Preconditions and limits of mutual recognition, Com. Market Law Rev. 2010, p. 405.

Gormley, L. W., Private Parties and the Free Movement of Goods: Responsible, Irresponsible, or a Lack of Principles?, Fordham Int’l L.J. 2015, р. 993.

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Guild E., Free movement of EU citizens and their family members, New Journal of European Criminal Law 2016, p. 231.

Rossi L.S., Framing the Principle of Non-Discrimination on Grounds of Nationality. Article 18(1) TFEU in the ECJ case law, Dir. Un. eur. 2020, р. 237

Morgese G., Dublin System, “Scrooge-Like” Solidarity and the EU Law: Are There Viable Options to the Never-Ending Reform of the Dublin Ill Regulation?, Dir. Imm. Citt. 2019, p. 86.



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