EU Enlargement and Acquis Adoption Burden: Albanian challenges

EU Enlargement And Acquis Adoption Burden:
Albanian Challenges EEAABAC

About the Chair and its goals

  • The Chair activities aims to raise awareness, increase teaching in EU law within University of Elbasan, creating a highly expertise panel for debating on EU acquis adoption, perform quality research and reaching a large number of beneficiaries through deliverables even after the project.
  • Teaching will consist in improving the existent course in EU law as well as proposing new courses with a clear benefit for students in developing their career in EU law. Teaching activity is delivered using innovative pedagogical approach and will be back up by this website, as an indispensable tool for dissemination. The expected numbers of students enrolled in these years will impact our University for activating a Master on EU law. Key activity for reaching objectives of the action is the new Summer course. Dedicated to multidisciplinary audience as students, professionals, civil servants, etc. it will raise awareness and grade of understanding of EU functioning and enlargement, offering an exhaustive understanding of acquis adoption and enlargement.
  • During the years when the Chair will be active, research will be focused on acquis adoption in Albania, dealing with the state of art, the achievements so far, importance of a correct and faster approximation, problematics and solutions for the ongoing process of legal harmonization. The expected results are papers as well as a monograph as a fundamental tool for scientific community, students and stakeholders. The research in EU topics will promote the Department of Law as an important nucleon for further research.
  • We will organize 2 events, a Roundtable and a Conference, for promoting high level debate and bring together scholars, stakeholders and policymakers in the same playing field. Through events, which interlink all other activities, we will accomplish objectives of the action giving the right visibility for EU topics to general public.
  • During the project, the Chair will be active in medium and other panels to offer visibility to the project.
  • Our aim is to develop EU studies in Elbasan and create a forum for stakeholders to assess Albanian achievements in acquis adoption, through activities which aim to reach objectives of the Action. We intend to create basis for future larger objectives like i.e. the activation of a Master in EU studies.
  • Teaching aim to increase of EU topic courses within our curricula as well as settle an indispensable course for arising awareness on EU topics through the Summer Course for a broader range of subjects. Through research and events teaching activity will be more attractive to students.
  • We propose to increase teaching hours in EU Law by activating new courses within curricula. A core teaching activity is the Summer Course. It will raise awareness of other students (not in law), professionals in the regional government and stakeholders on EU enlargement, acquis adoption and impact on national legislation. The direct impact is on students, professionals and civil servant. The course “EU transport law” will raise competencies of the students in a field like transport law which does not have yet an academic clear recognition in Albanian HEIs. The students will benefit a view over transport sector, which is very important for their future entrance in the labor market being Albania at the gate of EU. The course “EU law” is aimed at being presented to different types of students studying at the Faculty of Economy. The students will gain knowledge EU law. The course ´The substantive law of the EU: the four freedoms” intends to increase knowledge of the students with regard to the four freedoms in respect of the rules that regulate free movement in EU. Through dissemination in the website will benefit general public and non-participants.
  • We will carry out research on EU enlargement and acquis adoption in Albania in order to identify proposals for the future. Conducting quality research gives premises for future creation of an EU studies research pool. The articles, published in peer-reviewed journals, and monograph will shed light and increase knowledge on understudied country such as Albania and its efforts for EU membership. They will influence the scientific community, as well as will increase knowledge on EU external integration of professionals and students. Essentially, professionals working in Albanian Government dealing with integration issues will use this research. The monograph will be used by the young professional, mainly those who are involved in the process of the approximation of legislation.
  • The events will increase the awareness on the integration process of Albania, bring together researchers, policymakers and stakeholders for sharing views and influence policymakers through presentation of findings and proposals. The participation of the policymakers with speeches will bring them to the same panel with experts and we foresee an impact in terms of commitments. The expected impact of the events on policymakers will be boosted through dissemination in medium.
  • The Roundtable is crucial for raising awareness on integration challenges of Albania as well as for obtaining empirical hits for the research. It will canalize debate on EU topics in terms of realism. The most direct beneficiaries will be the civil employees and professionals whom will have the possibility to discuss and to find solutions to on procedures of acquis adoption. It will gather researchers, policymakers, representatives of the EU Delegation in Tirana, stakeholder, like associations of categories mostly impacted, to address specific issues in several specific field of enlargement like transport, energy, competition, etc.
  • The Conference will address topics on integration process. The focus will be on discussion of participants on EU enlargement, acquis adoption, achievements and challenges ahead. The target groups participating will benefit in order to better understand the acquis adoption. Thus, young researchers and students will be able to write thesis on up to date topics, getting informed on the actual level playing field, etc.
  • The website will promote Chair activity to a wider range of beneficiaries. It will be an indispensable instrument offering didactic materials; video lectures; interviews of the Chair; a blog on EU Law and enlargement targeting students, experts of the field, public administration; publishing working papers; etc.  The medium section in the website will raise awareness and will be a tool for reaching general public.
  • The monograph will be the most important deliverable regarding research disseminating the results of the action in terms of expertise. There is a need in Albania and in the scientific community to have an exhaustive instrument on the enlargement procedure both from an EU and candidate countries point of view, efforts and achievements so far. It will be an indispensable tool for future students, young researchers and PhD students in European studies.