EU Enlargement and Acquis Adoption Burden: Albanian challenges

EU Law and Institutions for the Professionals of the Future

December 19th-23th, 2023

The Jean Monnet Chair EEAABAC successfully offered the short course in “EU Law and Institutions for the Professionals of the Future”. The course aimed to offer a general overview of the concept of acquis adoption in Albania and EU institutions and their functioning. The course was a forum for discussion between the participants on EU law and the EU integration process for Albania. Dedicated to multidisciplinary audiences such as students, professionals, civil servants, etc., the course raised awareness and grade of understanding of EU functioning and enlargement, offering an exhaustive understanding of acquis adoption and enlargement to the participants.

EU Law and Institutions for the Professionals of the Future

July 11th-15th, 2023

The Jean Monnet Chair EEAABAC successfully offered the short course in “EU Law and Institutions for the Professionals of the Future”. The course aimed to offer a general overview of the concept of acquis adoption in Albania and EU institutions and their functioning. The course was a forum for discussion between the participants on EU law and the EU integration process for Albania. Dedicated to multidisciplinary audiences such as students, professionals, civil servants, etc., the course raised awareness and grade of understanding of EU functioning and enlargement, offering an exhaustive understanding of acquis adoption and enlargement to the participants. The success and impact reached by the vast number of participants make the Chair committed to proposing a Winter School in order to reach more beneficiaries among public administration and municipality staff.

EU enlargement and acquis adoption burden: state of art and proposals for a correct adoption of the acquis for Albania

January 17th-19th, 2024

This conference comes as a conclusive event for the Jean Monnet Chair activated at the University of Elbasan, Faculty of Economics, Department of Law. The event had a multidisciplinary approach, and high-quality theoretical and empirical research papers from a broad range of disciplines were presented for discussion, with a focus on enlargement and integration issues in the European Union. During the three days of the event the Chair Jean Monnet brought together academics, scholars, authors and PhD students from Albania and other Balkan and European countries to share their knowledge and exchange ideas on the recent developments regarding EU enlargement and the perspective for the Western Balkans.

During the Conference, there was debate among national, regional, and international scientific community members on the challenges that the European integration process brings and possibly to provide models, demonstrating the approaches to be followed. 

Held in January, this event came at a crucial moment during the integration process for Albania, closing the screening process and issuing the EC screening report for the first cluster of negotiations.  In December 2023, the European institutions did not offer a perspective on the completion of the opening phase of the accession negotiations with Albania due to the lack of decision within the Council but reaffirmed the EU perspective for the WB countries.

As we believe that research and debate should have a huge impact on the scientific community, policymakers and professionals, the contributions of the Authors are collected and edited by the Chair and published as Conference proceedings in order to better disseminate the findings thereof as a small contribution in the enlargement of the EU topics. 

ROUNDTABLE MAY 2023 – Justice Day

UNIEL Main Corpus, Room 107, 10 May 2023, 12.30.

Roundtable on “Challenges of Albanian Judiciary from the Canon of Zhuri up to Reform in Justice within the framework of integration processes. Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights”.

On 10 May 2023, at the University of Elbasan, the Jean Monnet Chair at the Department of Law, with the collaboration of the Prosecution Office near the Court of First Instance of Elbasan, organised a Roundtable on “Challenges of Albanian Judiciary from the Canon of Zhuri up to Reform in Justice within the framework of integration processes. Chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights”. This event was organised as a commemorative day for the Albanian Judiciary as it was held on the 110 anniversary of National Justice Day (10.05.1913 – 10.05.2023).

The roundtable brought together academics, policymakers and professionals in order to deliver short insights from their experience of the achievements so far of the Justice reform as well as to offer some consideration for the way ahead regarding managing the system in Albania, the coherence with the integration process in the EU and the lessons learned so far in the implementation of the Reform package of laws. After the welcome speeches from the University and local authorities, were delivered short intervention from Prof. Artan Hoxha, Rector of the University of Tirana, head expert in drafting the Packages of Reform laws, Artur Metani, head of the High Inspectorate of Justice, Alfred Balla, head of the High Prosecution Council, Rezarta Tahiraj and Arber Gjeta, head of the Chair Jean Monnet EEAABAC.

Of paramount importance were the discussions with the participants, especially students and lawyers, on topics like the transparency of the Judiciary, the reasoning of decisions of judges according to EU standards and the use of the ECJ ruling in the reasoning of the decisions by Albanian judges now that we are at a good phase of negotiations with the EU.